
Thursday 27 August 2015

Project Fame 8.0: Uncle Ben Goes Hard On The Contestants

posted by Som Offor.

project fame
 Academy Day 24
Academy day 24 was a day of hardwork and serious preparation towards the elimination show coming up in two days. As all the contestants were placed on probation, they all knew that they had to put in their all if they hoped to remain in the competition.
The activities in the academy kicked off with Mummy J’s class as she pointed out the importance of memorising the details and lyrics of the songs they would be performing. She told them that doing this was of immense advantage as it would help them avoid stuttering or getting themselves in a jam during a stage performance.
After Mummy J’s class, Ms. Ige stepped in to help the contestants prepare for the weekend. She encouraged the contestants to work properly on their ad-libs and think of ways in which they can improve them as it would be of advantage for them to have a safe and smooth song delivery.
However, Uncle Ben’s class was a tough one for all the contestants. Using his tough trademark style, Uncle Ben sent a handful of the contestants out of his class when it became glaring to him that they were not ready. A lot of the contestants had problems mastering the lyrics of their songs, notes and a variety of other things. Uncle Ben didn’t take this likely as he saw this as un-seriousness.

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