
Thursday 13 August 2015

SHOCK: ISIS Beheads Croatian Hostage (PHOTOS)

posted by Som Offor.

The Egyptian branch of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has published a photo of the beheaded body of a Croatian hostage, Tomislav Salopek.
The Guardian informs that Salopek, 30, was abducted by armed men early on the morning of  July, 22 about 50km from Cairo.
According to Time, last week the terrorists threatened to kill him if the Egyptian government did not release female Muslim hostages within 48 hours.
The photo was distributed on Twitter on August, 12.
The image carried a caption in Arabic that said Salopek was killed for “his participation in the war against the Islamic State, and after a deadline had passed for the Egyptian government to meet his captors” demands.
Egyptian interior ministry’s spokesman said: “We have seen this news online but are currently making our own checks. If we confirm that it is indeed true, we will inform the media through a statement.”
Express informs that the Croatian topographer was captured  as he travelled to the offices of the French company he worked for in Cairo.

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