
Saturday 27 September 2014

‘Dead’ woman heard screaming from inside coffin after being buried alive

Cemetery workers raced to a newly-dug grave after
they heard banging and muffled shouting an hour
after a 45-year-old woman was buried.
As they grabbed tools and anything they could find,
they rushed to dig the grave up again after the
woman woke up to find herself buried alive in a
But tragically, the un-named woman died before her
would-be rescuers could reach her inside the plot at a
cemetery near Greece's Thessaloniki.
Now police are probing why the woman was
pronounced dead by doctors treating her for cancer,
only to be found alive.
Her grieving family arranged her funeral at the
graveyard in Peraia, a small town 16 miles south of
Thessaloniki, Greece's main city in the north.
Shortly after the last relatives left the cemetery on
Thursday, residents and a group of children playing
outside reportedly heard a female voice shouting for
help from inside the grave.
They called the police, and began digging up the
grave to save her but she had suffocated to death
inside the coffin, it was reported.
However, a doctor who was at the scene and
examined the woman's body, said she had been dead
for hours and could not have been revived.
Dr Chrissi Matsikoudi told Greek TV channel
MEGA: "I just don't believe it. We did several tests
including one for heart failure on the body. It would
have been impossible for someone in a state of rigor
mortis to have been shouting and hitting the coffin
like that."
A coroner is expected to examine the body.
Meanwhile, relatives of the dead woman say they are
considering filing a complaint against the doctors
responsible for her treatment at the cancer clinic.
Source: UK Mirror


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