
Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Jealous boyfriend disfigures girlfriend with a kiss(Graphic Pics)

A jealous boyfriend left his girlfriend disfigured after
biting her during a kiss.Rhys Culley had asked
Chanttelle Ward,18 if she loved him before he sank
his teeth into her face during the horrific attack.
The 23-year-old was jealous and insecure about
what she would do while he was working away. She
told jurors during the trial Culley had tried to kiss her
and asked her if she still loved him before the bite.
She said:
'He put his whole mouth around my lips and pulled, I
thought that my whole lip had come off. There was
blood everywhere.'
They had been celebrating Miss Ward's mother's
birthday and at about 10.30pm Miss Ward,and her
aunt Susan Stewart shared a taxi home, dropping her
aunt off first.
When they got back to her house,he brought up a
conversation that his girlfriend had had with
another man on Facebook earlier in the month.He
then took her phone off her in a bid to look through
her Facebook messages.When he found that the
messages were no longer there he became angry and
started to shout at her, accusing her of having
something to hide.
At this point,she told the court, she realised that
something was wrong and that this wasn't a
'normal' argument for the pair, who had been
together for almost two and a half years.
She became scared and lifted her phone to call the
defendant's mother to ask her to come and get him.
But Culley is said to have taken the phone from his
victim, he also locked the doors so that she couldn't
Later, when her phone was left unattended she made
an emergency call but Culley again took the phone
from her.
After Culley had bitten her, he 'rubbed his face in
hers, smearing the blood across her face and then he
stuck his tongue into her mouth'.When the police
arrived they saw that they both had blood on them
and over their faces.'
Culley was arrested and Miss Ward was taken to
hospital to have her injuries examined.She suffered
not only the injuries to her mouth, but bruising to her
arms and body, a scratch to her left breast and
bruising of the face and ear.
During his evidence Culley said he did not mean to
harm his 'beautiful' girlfriend, who he knew he was
lucky to have.He was found guilty after a trial.
He will be sentenced next month and has now been
remanded in custody

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those of the comment writers alone and does not
reflect or represent the views of Somayina.

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