It’s not just about theBRAND
MTN Project Fame West Africa is here again; bigger,BETTER
and more exciting. Yes indeed, West Africa’s biggest music talent hunt competition is its 8th season and you have a chance to be one of the contestant as the LiveAUDITIONS
is coming to aLOCATION
near you.
This Saturday, June 20, the Bolingo Hotel, Abuja and Vointel Hotel, Port Harcourt will play host to the wannabe music stars as they slug it out for the right to perform in Project Fame.
So are you ready to live the dream? Are you ready to perform in Africa's biggest music talent reality TV show? Come display your singing talents at the auditions in Abuja and Port Harcourt.
Here are the easy steps to be a part of the auditions. All you need to do is to dial 5900 on your MTN line, listen to the voice prompt, follow the instruction and you will be given a unique PIN number. You can also record your songs and submit it via the Interactive Voice recordingPLATFORM
The overall winner in MTN Project will walk away with aBRAND
new SUV, a recording contract worth millions of Naira and N5million in cash while the 1st Runner up will get a saloon car and N3million in cash. The 2nd runner up will not go home empty handed as he will drive away a brand new saloon car along with N1million while the 3rd runner up is made a Millionaire
After Abuja, the MTN train will move to Ibadan and Accra, Ghana on 27th July while Lagos will be the next location for contestants on 3rd and 4th of July.
Prospective contestants can log onto
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