
Monday 25 August 2014

Muslim Group Rejects Boko Haram Claim Of Forming Gwoza’s Caliphate

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has rejected
Boko Haram's claim that it has formed an Islamic
caliphate in Gwoza town, Borno State.
Suspected Boko Haram members
The group, in a strong-worded statement signed by
its leader, Professor Isiaq Akintola, said it is un-
Islamic, while it urged Nigerian Armed Forces to
stand up and cleanse the Boko Haram fighters.
The full position read in part:
The leader of the Boko Haram insurgents,
Abubakar Shekau, yesterday declared Gwoza
as Boko Haram's caliphate. Gwoza is a part of
Borno State that was overrun by the
insurgents a few days ago.
We of the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)
hereby totally and unequivocally reject this
declaration. We reaffirm our faith in the
unity and indissolubility of Nigeria.
Almighty Allah says, "Oh you who believe,
obey Allah, His Messenger and those in
position of authority." (Qur'an 4:59). Islam
therefore commands obedience to constituted
authority but Boko Haram has chosen
disobedience to and belligerence towards the
President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed
Forces, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan.
Whereas Boko Haram members are aware
that the Sultan of Sokoto and President-
General of the Nigerian Supreme Council for
Islamic Affairs, Alhaji Muhammad Sa'ad
Abubakar III is the indisputable leader of all
Nigerian Muslims, they have refused to heed
all his appeals. Instead of giving honour to
Muslim leaders and Emirs, Boko Haram has
killed some of them and attacked some
Whereas all-encompassing education is one
of the basic tenets of Islam (Qur'an 96:1-5),
Boko Haram forbids Western education.
Whereas the Prophet (SAW) in the hadith
commands education for all, Boko Haram
seeks to alienate women from education.
Again, whereas the Prophet (SAW) honoured
the girl-child and commanded his followers
to do same, Boko Haram kidnaps and
enslaves young and innocent girls thereby
exposing them to wild life and subjecting
them to unimaginable psychological trauma.
Boko Haram's declaration is a statement of
secession. It must not be allowed. Gwoza
must be liberated within days. Boko Haram
or no Boko Haram, we cannot compromise
the territorial integrity of Nigeria to anyone,
no matter how barbaric.
We also charge the Nigerian Armed Forces to
be more focused from this moment. Boko
Haram must be flushed out with microscopic
accuracy from all the villages occupied in
Borno State. But there is a caveat: it must be
done professionally so that innocent civilians
do not fall victims.
MURIC calls attention to the declaration of
the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia and the
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in
which they outlawed Boko Haram and
declared its practices outrageous and
unacceptable in Islam.
From its latest statement, it is clear that Boko
Haram is emulating the Islamic State in Iraq
(ISIS) which declared a phantom caliphate a
few months ago. It is didactic that world
Muslim bodies have also rejected ISIS
because of its unIslamic practices and its
open and inhuman hostility towards its
Christian population.
Gwoza Caliphate is definitely not the
caliphate which we desire. Unlike that of ISIS
and Boko Haram, the caliphate of Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) which he established in
Madinah was based on justice, love and
peaceful coexistence.
MURIC therefore rejects Boko Haram's
caliphate. It is a mirage. It exists only in the
figment of Shekau's imagination. Like a good
surgeon who will not hesitate to amputate a
rotten limb from a patient's anatomy, MURIC
urges President Jonathan to immediately don
the garb of a good surgeon.
Finally, we assure all Nigerians that Muslims
want to live in peace and tranquility with
their Christian neighbours and their
traditionalist brothers and sisters in one and
indivisible Nigeria. We have come a long way
together so we will not emulate butchers of
men. Islam strengthens humanity. It does not
debase it.
Neither shall we listen to those who ask us to
kill people of Western origin in our midst.
We affirm that Islam is a universal religion.
It does not hate on the basis of race, colour or
sex. We therefore assure all foreigners in the
country that they have nothing to fear from
mainstream Muslims. We appreciate their
presence in our midst and we will continue to
honour them as our Prophet (SAW)
commanded us to do.

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are
those of the comment writers alone and does not
reflect or represent the views of Somayina.

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