
Monday 18 August 2014

5 Natural Hair Tips Every Parent Should Follow

You've been styling your kid's hair for years. You're
possibly the best at doing their hair, in the kitchen.
Wait, is anyone holding a Kitchen Beautician
awards ceremony this year? I think not. Are you a
professional stylist? Nope, do you know it all? No,
and it could be showing in your child's hair quality
and health. We polled our Bridging the Nap
Directory (BNAP) stylists and asked them what their
best advice for parents would be on Home hair Care.
This list suddenly became FIRE in my inbox. As the
tips came pouring in, something told me, this is
going to be #EPIC.
I'm sure these are the things many stylists wished
they could tell you or even yet, wished you would
listen to. Well, you gonna learn today. Pick up your
paper and pen and let's get to the 5 Natural Hair
Stylist Tips Every Parent Should Follow:
Stylist Tip #1: The wide toothed comb is your best
friend, rubber bands are the enemies.
Investing in a wide toothcomb #ChangedMyLife. Use
a wide tooth comb and walk past rubber bands, they
have never loved us.
Stylist Tip #2: Use moisture rich products without
alcohol and petroleum. These chemicals will dry the
hair out rather than moisturize.
Alcohol and Petroleum have never done anything for
black people #DropsMic #ShowsOver #
CutToCommercial. I said it and I don't think we need
to belabor over this one. The robbing of moisture and
shield from moisture is enough to drive me crazy.
Putting either of the two on your child's hair only
proves one thing, you not bout that #
Stylist Tip #3: Your children's hair needs trimming
Neglecting to trim can exaggerate tangling and
matting. When you get a trim your child should get
one too. The only difference between your hair and
your child's hair is age #TruthDon'tLie.
Stylist Tip #4: Always let conditioner sit on your
child's hair for a minimum of 3 to 5 minutes, then
rinse it out with water of a cooler temperature
Conditioner sitting on your hair penetrates the hair
for a greater condition. If you add heat to it during
this time #LawdTakeMyHand and lead me to Home
Hair Care, this will increase your conditioning and
allow that wide tooth comb you're now using to glide
through that hair like butter or parkay for my
highbrow readers.
Stylist Tip #5: A great shampoo should always tell
the PH balance on the outside, and should between
4.5-5.5 on the PH balance scale to protect you hair
from dryness.
I'm no chemist, so basically, listen to what the
stylists tip said…:).
The tips our professional stylist provided are
amazing and shouldn't be ignored. They can
potentially take some of that stress off of your hands,
and out of your child's Home Hair Care. Don't forget
these tips are not just for children. Many of you also
have natural hair as well. Don't act like you should
duck from these tips just because they are tailored to
the children you love dearly.

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are
those of the comment writers alone and does not
reflect or represent the views of Somayina.

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