
Thursday 21 August 2014

How to Know if a Girl Likes You

Be bold and initiate a short chat. This will
help you to learn those little things that will come
in handy later because everyone loves knowing that
someone actually listened to them and cared
enough to remember the small details about them.
Listen carefully and be attentive to the things she
tells you so that you will have them for future
reference. As you talk, notice if she gives you any
signs, special words or hints.
All girls are different. Is she shy or outgoing?
Does she act like this around other guys? Look
at her body language. Leaning in, uncrossed
legs, nervous voice, and dilated pupils
(especially), are all signs she likes you.
Another sign is if she laughs at your boring,
stupid jokes. (Beware: Don't use bad jokes as a
test, or you'll risk looking like a comedy dork.)
She may not be able to look you straight in the
eye. She might smile and laugh a lot because she
is worried about giving too much away.
Check for the smile. A girl that's interested in
you will usually immediately smile when you
start a conversation with her. The smile may
disappear quickly if she's shy, but it's hard to
hide an unexpected strong emotion. If she's not
romantically interested, she'll likely look at you
inquisitively, but she won't express any
particular interest.

Watch for signs of flirting. If she's flirting, she
may be difficult to read. Gregarious girls may flirt
with guys who they consider to be just friends.
Uninitiated, this general interaction can sometimes
be misconstrued as a crush, so know how she acts
around other guys.
Be aware that some girls have no idea that
they're flirting. In this case, she probably likes
you a great deal since her subconscious is letting
her body language do the talking.
Most girls don't like to be obvious. Girls fear
rejection too.
If you fancy a girl, never make the mistake of
"flirting around". If she sees you putting your
arm around another girl or sees another girl
hugging you, she will assume that she doesn't
mean anything to you and will stop trying.

Check for random hugs, reserved mostly for
you. Hugs can be a very openly and permissible
affectionate way of getting closer to you and
touching you without it necessarily compromising
her stealthy flirting. In turn, you can go along with
it if you want, or just act busy like you're late for an
appointment and need to rush off.

Take notice if she "accidentally" bumps into
you more often than what you'd consider the
usual. This ploy is ancient and tried and true, as
it's a way of touching you subtly and sizing up how
responsive (and perhaps even how well toned) you
are. If she finds excuses to touch you a lot, then
you're probably on the right track. Act casual when
she bumps into you and say "no worries" or
something similar. As for touching your arm and
hair in a casual but rather meaningful way, there's
really no need to say anything; just lap it up
Not all girls will feel comfortable reaching out
using touch. In this case, don't assume that she
doesn't like you because she doesn't try to touch
you. She may be too nervous to touch you yet.
Don't be shy––break the touch barrier yourself.
She may also find other reasons to touch you,
such as by lightly hitting you about the head, or
soft punching to the body. These "one-of-the-
mates" moves can be a thinly disguised way of
getting closer to you without it being too evident
to your friends and hers.

Observe the way in which she looks at you. If
she likes you, she will tend to either hold her gaze
on you for a long time or pull away immediately the
moment your eyes make contact with hers. Either of
these responses could mean that she likes you. If
she pulls away quickly, it often means she is
nervous or not ready to reveal her true intentions
yet, but she still likes you. And if she holds the
stare, and you believe you see responsiveness or
even love in her eyes, then she is confident and she
may make the first move.
Of course, some girls might just be staring or
winding you up, so don't think she loves you and
wants to get in touch with the real, inner you.
Use the context to discern the motive.
If you happen to glance at the girl and you see
her staring back at you, then this means that she
likes you, although she may quickly dart her
head in a different direction.

Look at her friends. If you see most of her
friends glancing back at you and smiling or
giggling, this probably means that she has told her
friends about you and they're "in the know". This
can happen at any age, although mature girls and
women friends tend to behave in a slightly more
circumspect way, using glances and knowing
smiles or nods instead of giggles. In some cases, a
friend may actually be bold enough to come and tell
you that her friend likes you.
When she is having a conversation with her
friends, and you come over, she might stop
talking all of a sudden. This likely means that
you were the subject of the recently ended
If she likes you and she told her friends about
you, they might come up to you and start a
random conversation about things such as: Who
would you rather date me or (her name), who do
you like better, who is the hottest, would you
marry (her name) or me, etc. If they name a list
of about three people and her name is in the list,
she probably told her friends about you and
they're trying to search for clues to see how you
feel about her.
In teen years, if her friends are loud and
immature, you'll most likely hear "(your name),
(her name) likes you!"
Do be aware that her friends might be making it
up just to tease her. Listen for things like: "Stop
teasing me!" or "Be quiet! He might hear!"

Look out for moments where you can play
"rescuing the damsel in distress". If you're
outside and the girl you like is nearby and starts
loudly saying "I'm cold!", that's a subtle hint that
she wants you to give her your sweater. This is a
very sweet gesture, especially if you want to show
the girl that you like her. And sometimes a girl will
pretend to be really bad at doing something, and
say that she can't do it. That is your chance to offer
some assistance; be aware that she will most likely
be doing this on purpose just to see your reaction
and hope that you will help out.
When offering assistance, if there are other guys
around and she actually likes one of those guys,
she might be disappointed when you offer your
coat to her first or offer your assistance. In this
case, at least you'll know how she feels and can
move on. You might even be magnanimous
enough to tell the right guy that she fancies him.

Smile at her. Girls tend to like guys who smile, and
are happy. Use your natural smile; you don't want
to freak her out. If she smiles back politely, or
frowns and looks away, she may be uncomfortable
or disinterested. If she returns a soft or big smile
and continues to look at you, then it's likely that
she's interested. However she reacts, it cannot hurt
to keep smiling her way. Eventually she'll get the
message that you find her charming and she may
feel able to open up more or at least to tell you
openly that she's either interested or not.
If she smiles then darts over to the crowd of her
friends and hides in the group, then she may be
nervous and curious about whether you know
that she likes you.

Watch her body language. You can learn a lot
about a girl by observing her body language and it
goes well beyond obvious flirting signs into
unconscious signals of attraction. There are a lot of
signs that will tell you she's interested. For
example, if a girl has her torso turned towards you
in an open manner, this means that she is
confident talking with you. If she has a closed body
position, namely crossed arms or legs, she may be
shy or nervous to talk to you or she may simply be
creating a barrier to ward you off. Invest in a decent
book on body language to help you learn how to
accurately read her.
Watch for subtle signs in the girl's face––if her
eyes are dilating, then she may really like you.
When you are both in a room-- if she sits
diagonally from you or across from you at the
room,when she's interested, her torso is facing
you in an open manner, or her shoulders and
hips are facing you. Either of these signs may
mean she likes you. When she is sitting and she
has her legs crossed, watch her feet, if its
pointed towards you, it might mean that she
likes you and wants to get closer to you.
Look at her lips. If she touches them constantly
or bites them, she's probably very interested in
you. If her lip quivers slightly when you look at
her, you can almost be sure she likes you.

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are
those of the comment writers alone and does not
reflect or represent the views of Somayina.

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