
Thursday 21 August 2014

How to Tell if a Guy Likes You More Than a Friend

Notice the way he talks to you. The way he talks
to you can say a lot about how he really feels. Here
are some things to consider:
Note his tone. Does he talk to you in a measured
way that shows that he's put a lot of thought into
what you think?
Note his eye contact. Does he look you in the eye
when he talks to you, or does he look around the
room distractedly?
Note that he may be afraid of eye contact
because he likes you. He could just be shy!
Note if he gets easily interrupted. If he's talking
to you, but someone else comes up, does he
instantly forget your conversation? If so, what
he says to you may not be so important.

Notice what he chooses to say to you. What he
talks to you about can be a big indicator of how he
really views you. Here are some signs that the
things he says mean he wants more from you:
If he teases you. If he playfully teases you a lot,
this is a great sign that he's flirting and wants
you to flirt back!
If he tells you personal information. If he's
telling you about his issues with his family, or
his anxieties and fears, then he may be wanting
to take the relationship to a deeper level.
If he compliments you. If he's always subtly
complimenting how smart you are, or if he tells
you that you look great when you see him, this is
a sign that he really admires who you are.
If he minimizes his bro-ness. If you notice that
when he jokes around his guy friends, he tends
to burp and curse and be vulgar, but that he
makes an effort to be more refined around you,
that's a sign that he's really paying attention to
what he says.
If he asks about your romantic life. If he's subtly
trying to find out if you're going on dates or
seeing other guys, then he may want to be the
one you have eyes for.
Note that if he's constantly trying to set you up
with one of his friends, or asks why you don't
go out on a date with so-and-so, he may be
trying to keep you in the Friend Zone by
making sure you're shooting cupid's arrow

Note what he says about other girls. Paying
attention to what he says about other girls can tell
you if he just wants your advice, or if you're the only
girl he's after.
If he's always asking your advice about how to
win over his latest conquest, this may be a sign
that he just sees you as a friend and values your
opinion because you're a girl.
He may ask your advice on how to get a girl and
that might mean that he's asking you, in a
different way, what you would like from a guy so
he could get you.
However, if he's always a bit negative about any
girl he goes on dates with or says things like, "I
just can't find the right girl," he may really be
saying that he thinks the right girl is you.
If he acts like a player, it may mean one of two
things. If he's always talking about his latest
conquest, then he may in fact just be a player,
and you should protect your heart. However, he
may be doing this just to make you jealous. See
if he's really seeing as many girls as he says he
is, or if he's just trying to get a reaction out of

Note what he says to you when you're apart.
Some guys are just plain shy and are better at
showing their feelings online or over the phone.
Note the ways he communicates with you through
the following methods:
The phone. Does he sound nervous when you
talk on the phone? This may be a sign that he
wants to impress you. Are your conversations
long, or does he try to get to the point and get off
the phone as quickly as possible?
Email. If he tries very hard to impress you with
his wit and correct grammar, then chances are,
he's spending a lot of time crafting his words to
show you how smart and clever he is.
Text messaging. Does he just text you to say
when and where to meet, or does he sometimes
text you just because he wants to chat? Does he
try to be funny or send emoticons? If he's putting
extra effort into his texting, chances are, he
wants to put extra effort into your relationship.
Facebook. Does he "like" a lot of your photos
and post on your wall often? This may be a sign
that he's keeping tabs on you.
Take all of this with a grain of salt. Some guys
are just not phone, email, or Facebook people.
He may just rather see you in person, and there's
nothing wrong with that!

Notice What He Does
Pay attention to his body language. Body
language can go a long way in showing you if he'd
rather be cuddling with you than just hanging out.
Notice the following:
If he "accidentally" touches you a lot. If you're
sitting together during a movie, does his knee
brush up against yours? If you're passing
something to him, do his fingers linger on
yours? This may be a sign that he wants to touch
you more.
If you catch him staring at you. If you're out with
a group and you notice him staring at you, this is
a sign that he's admiring you. If you catch his
eye and he smiles and looks away, this is a sign
that he knows he's been caught staring!
If his body is engaged when he talks to you. If
his entire body is turned toward you when you
talk, and if his arms are open and not folded at
his side, this is a sign that he's open to what you
have to say.
You earn bonus points if you always find him
leaning in closely to talk to you.

Notice what he does for you. Does he go out of
his way to be a good friend? If so, he may be doing
something more. Here are some signs that he may
be developing that lovin' feeling every time he looks
your way:
If he's always doing you favors. If you find him
doing things like giving you rides, making you
lunch when you're having a busy day at work,
picking up your laundry, or helping you fix your
car, he may be angling for the boyfriend role.
If he's constantly being thoughtful. If he brings
back your favorite dessert from a bakery, or buys
you that book you've been meaning to read, this
is a sign that he's really paying attention to your
If he comforts you when you're upset. Let's face
it--no guy wants to comfort a random crying
girl. However, if he really cares for you, he'll be
there to listen to your problems, and probably
wants to take the relationship further.

Notice how he acts around other girls. Seeing
what he does around other girls can tell you how he
really feels about you. Here are some ways to get a
better sense of his true feelings:
Does he treat every girl the same way he treats
you? If you notice that you're the only one he
wants to be around in big groups, and the only
girl he teases and likes to pick up when you're
hanging out in the pool, this is a sign that he
wants to be with you.
However, if you notice him teasing and touching
every girl in a five-mile radius, he may just be a
Does he flaunt his relationships in front of you?
If he openly has you hanging out with him and
his new date, then he may really see you as just
a friend.
However, if he has you there to see what you
really think, this may be a sign that he knows
you're the one for him. If he's cagey about
hanging with other girls, then this may be a
sign that he already sees you as a girlfriend and
feels he's being disloyal.

See if he goes out of his way to be with you.
This is a sure-fire sign that he wants to take things
to the next level. Here are some ways to know how
he really feels:
If he's constantly asking you to hang out. This
one is a no-brainer.
If he tries to sidle up to you when you're in
groups. If he wants to be your partner in class,
or if he wants to be your partner during a
chicken fight, chances are, he can't get enough
of you.
If he's always claiming he's "in the area" and
asks if he can stop by. If he's making excuses for
why he wants to hang out, this may be a sign
that he's embarrassed about how much he wants
to be with you.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are
those of the comment writers alone and does not
reflect or represent the views of Somayina.

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