
Monday 18 August 2014

How Bananas Improve Gut Health, Aid In Weight Loss And Improve Mood

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits. You will
always see them readily available in your produce
aisle, and like apples which are the second most
popular fruit, you may even see them in places like
gas stations and small stores since they are an easy,
healthy snack alternative to the processed foods that
typically line their shelves.
Whether you happen to like the taste of bananas, or
you simply like the portability and convenience but
don't especially relish the taste or texture, there are
some things you should know about this popular fruit
that may change your mind about how beneficial it is
to add them to your regular diet.
Resistant Starch
Bananas contain resistant starch. This is a "good"
starch because it doesn't digest or break down as
quickly as a simple starch. True, it will break down
into sugar eventually, but since a banana has this
type of starch and also happens to have to protein as
well, it will have a more steadying effect on your
blood sugar levels than a snack like pretzels or some
other simple starch.
This makes it an ideal snack for when you're on the
road or for when you need a snack to hold you over
until dinner time or lunch time. The greener the
banana, the more resistant starch it will contain.
Mood boosting tryptophan, tyrosine
Bananas contain tryptophan, which is a precursor to
serotonin production. They also may boost
dopamine, which is another vital component for
promoting a good mood and positive outlook. One
study found that after ten days of ripening, tyrosine
was also detected in bananas. Tyrosine is an amino
acid which is pivotal in the production of dopamine.
The riper the banana, the more dopamine-enhancing
tyrosine you'll get.
A great lower fat, higher fiber alternative for baked
You can actually used mashed up bananas
(preferably ripe) in place of fats and oils in baking. It
does take some practice, but typically you can use it
in place of vegetable oils and butters and cut your fat
down dramatically. You're also adding fiber and a
delicious moistness. Mashed bananas will add
sweetness, so you should adjust the recipe as needed.
Also, you may need to cut down on some of the egg in
the recipe if you're using bananas as a baking
It's likely best to use a recipe that actually gives you
measurements for each ingredient when cooking
with mashed bananas for this reason. Another
delicious recipe that just about everyone loves, and
which uses three ripe bananas is banana nut bread.
Since it also calls for walnuts, it's one of the
healthier dessert breads you can eat, and you can
always find recipes out there that cut the sugar down
so that you have an even healthier snack to look
forward to.
Excellent for weight loss, appetite control, electrolyte
Bananas are rich in potassium, which is an
important electrolyte. It regulates muscle activity,
which is why your muscles cramp if you are deficient
in this mineral. Potassium also helps regulate
heartbeat, and keeps the body in electrical harmony,
stimulating the right muscles and bodily functions at
the appropriate time.
Athletes often use bananas as a powerhouse snack
because they contain so many components that not
only enhance energy and boost mood, but they also
regulate body weight. They are filling and only clock
in around a hundred calories, and because they help
regulate blood sugar and enhance mood, your body
registers less hunger sensations.
Rich in prebiotics – Good for digestion, colon and
intestinal health
Bananas are rich in prebiotics. Most people know of
the importance of probtioics, but prebiotics are often
left out of the discussion when it comes to a healthy
gut and efficient digestion. Prebiotics help our bodies
to naturally produce more probiotics by passing into
the intestines undigested. They act as a precursor to
friendly bacterial growth in our intestines and colon,
and for this reason they help keep our entire
digestion system functioning properly – and more
importantly comfortably and efficiently.
Prebiotics may also enhance your immune system
and can even help alleviate certain allergic
responses. This is because they enhance one of the
key components of a healthy digestive tract which is
probiotic population.
A healthy gut has long been linked to a robust
immune system and it is pretty clear from recent
studies that those with a high population of healthy
flora (probiotics) tend to have much more effective
immune systems.
Bananas are also rich in fiber, which helps to keep
everything moving through unencumbered by
discomfort, straining, or constipation. They provide
the necessary lubrication it takes to keep waste
moving through the digestive tract so that it all may
be properly absorbed and then expelled from our
bodies efficiently. This means a healthier, cleaner
colon and clean, healthy intestines.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are
those of the comment writers alone and does not
reflect or represent the views of Somayina.

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